色彩鮮明的雨篷條紋(Awning stripe)面料,具粗獷豪放鄉野風味,運用面料原有特色,採取毛領(Mao collar)造型,將直條紋構圖變化,設計具獨特風格民族風服裝作品。
設計者: 名士館洋服公司 林振春
This awning stripe fabric is specially selected for its bright multicolored feature; pairing with Mao collar makes this design a unique ethnic style garment. By twisting and composing the awning stripe feature in several different artistic ways, the garment exclusively expresses its own bold and rugged characteristic.
The waist line adapts the concept of a warp-around shoulder belt, which starts diagonally from the shoulder as a fourragere, crosses the chest and ends horizontally on the waist. Again, by using the exclusive awning stripe fabric as the belt, the stripes on the waist serve as the focus of the segments and joints. Furthermore, the left chest and two sleeves are made with similar blue woolen material as seen in the awning stripes. This makes the shoulder strap (fourragere) decoration by contrast clearly visible; by using the wrap around belt design, plain and multicolor fabrics not only coherence into one complete and flawless color matching piece, but balance both sides of the visual effects. The overall design represents a valiant fashion style.
TAIWAN Nobility Custom Tailor Co.,Ltd. Lin, Chen-Chun